
Introducing Realm Of Ayame!

This is an exclusive collection of print on demand products made with prints designed by me! I choose only the highest rated products in terms of print and material quality. For now you can only shop this collection on my brand new Realm Of Ayame Etsy store, but soon you will be able to order the collection here on the Ayame Designs webshop.

Why print on demand?
As products don’t need to be ordered in bulk, it reduces storage requirements, handling costs, and inventory accounting costs. There is no waste from unsold products. This gives me the freedom to experiment with designs with less risk. This means I can focus more on the fun part – designing these cool prints!

If I see that certain designs are selling particularly well, I might order small quantities of these to also sell at events, but at this time there are no plans to keep inventory of any of these products.

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